20/20 Vision 24/7?

Hello All and Happy New Year! I know I’m eleven days late LOL! It’s the start of a new year and the start of a new decade some may say this may be the most defining one in our lives where we graduate, begin are careers, start our own families, etc. I’d like to believe … Continue reading 20/20 Vision 24/7?

19 Things I am Leaving in 2019

Let’s jump straight in… 1. Negative Self-Talk For those of us that have struggled with one insecurity or another, we will be all too familiar with this one right here. “I’m not smart enough” “I’m will never lose this weight” “I am the ugly friend” “I will never get promoted”. Negative self-talk is just evidence … Continue reading 19 Things I am Leaving in 2019

So I Tried Therapy…

Hi Guys, I hope you are well. I never thought I would be glad to be writing a post about Therapy, but you know what that shows… growth! Earlier this year I got the point where I just had enough of feeling sorry myself, being overwhelmed with anxiety, and simply just not recognising myself. I … Continue reading So I Tried Therapy…