IMG_9398This is the part where I tell you I am just an ordinary girl. Truth is, I do not think I am ordinary at all. I do not think God took his time to craft any of us for us to just call ourselves average or ordinary. I am special, I am complex, I am beautiful and I am amazing. Funny thing is, I have not always been so confident. In fact, I have got to places so dark I have questioned my existence. For any of you who have experienced something similar, you’ll know it’s not a great place to be. In those very dark moments, I believe life teaches you its best lessons. What I have learned and now live by is that for every moment you and I are still breathing, there is no limit to where life can take you, and our lives have a purpose. So that’s why I decided to make this blog, to recognise and exercise that potential, and a way to vent healthily and the perfect excuse to take cute pictures of course.

I am a 25-year-old Social Psychology graduate and HR professional, and I have been through a whole lot for someone my age. But it is true what they say; experience is the best teacher. So I think I’m a likkle smart too. I’m a bubbly introvert, with a very loud laugh. I feel best in my own company but can also be the life of the party. I like to observe others so I can often be very quiet but in the same breath, my secondary school yearbook voted me loudest girl. As I said, I’m complex. I have big dreams, it is great having a degree and all but I want to be so much more than a university graduate and a big personality. I’m passionate about helping others in all aspects of life. I pray this is an outlet that will bless someone.


WhatsApp Image 2020-04-14 at 12.21.41I’m Ike the newest addition to the Tears To Laughter team and the good sis of Tami. My journey to being comfortable and confident in myself has been a long and very trying one but I can wholeheartedly say at 25 my mental health is the best it’s ever been.

I know worth doesn’t come from my looks, my job title, my income, or relationship status but I know that I am worthy of good things because I am the daughter of the Most High. It took nearly a decade of recognising patterns, unlearning, changing behavior and holding onto the word of the Lord. In both my professional and personal life I want to encourage positive change in people which is why I am excited to be part of the Tears To Laughter family.